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Imagine if KINDNESS went viral.



 Visit us on Facebook @ A kinder world. I'm in.


Honestly, being kind can sometimes be a challenge. To put it mildly. But what if we tried? What if we all made the conscious effort to use kindness as our first response? What if it caught on and just became THE COOL THING TO DO?

It’s an incredible scenario to imagine — and possible. I think.

I have trademarked this phrase: A kinder world. I’m in.

And, I sell merchandise that carries this slogan. The money I make from sales I use on random acts of kindness. I do nice things for people. I have no set plan; when the opportunity presents itself, I take it. I believe that when you are out-of-the-ordinary nice to people, they will pass along that kindness to someone else. This is the domino effect I want to see in the world.

That’s the idea behind these words.
A kinder world. I’m in. Who’s with me?

"We are how we treat each other and nothing more."

- Lyric from "Nothing More"by the Alternate Routes